Welcome to CGS ResourceNet

We provide a wide range of information about support, resources, and services for families in Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties, New Jersey.

CGS ResourceNet is sponsored by CGS Family Partnership, Inc..

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How can ResourceNet help you?

Families can find specific recreational activities, health providers, support groups, and events in your area. If you are a resident of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties, NJ, please subscribe to our Monthly Events and News.
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Health Providers and Community Organizations are able to list their community and health resources, hotlines, support groups, and events. Do you provide services in Cumberland, Gloucester, or Salem County?

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Community Events and Programs

Newest resources

Mosaic Family Success Center

Individuals and families can come to us for free family support, interactive workshops, activities, and groups.


GameU caters to individuals of all ages and abilities. If you're unfamiliar with GameU, we specialize in offering community classes that dive into STEM topics such as coding, animation, 2D/3D art, video game design, and more! It's an exceptional opportunity for anyone interested in technology, art, or gaming.

Viola's Place Inc

Our mission is to provide resources and service to adults, youth and children in various aspects.

Let's Talk!

An open forum for youth ages 13-18 and of all genders that will meet weekly in Williamstown, NJ.

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